
CRTC has trained over 70,000 staff throughout Australia. We currently service hundreds of various businesses in numerous different Industries such as:

  • Local Government (City Councils)
  • Employment sector (Job Active)
  • Welfare Sector
  • Medical services
  • Construction Industry
  • Hospitality and Gaming Industry.
  • Services Australia (the old Centrelink) 20 years

Federal Government Departments are precluded from endorsing any Corporate Company.


A few years ago when Services Australia was known as Centrelink, CRTC was one of many Training providers around the country asked by Centrelink to participate in a pilot program to establish which provider had the most suitable training program to meet their needs of dealing with difficult and aggressive customer behaviour.

At the completion of the evaluated Pilot program CRTC was selected as the most suitable provider. However procurement legislation prevented CRTC being awarded the training contract. A National tender process followed.

CRTC was awarded the Tender contract and is currently the preferred provider for training dealing with Customer aggression.

Rather than supply outdated endorsements please contact CRTC and current referees will be supplied.


Cohealth – Caitlyn McLouglin

Cohealth has engaged CRTC to provide training on Conflict Resolution and the Management of Aggressive Behaviour since 2014.  All cohealthstaff in clients facing roles, are required to complete the training.  Feedback received has been 100% positive with many staff stating that it is the best, most effective training they have ever attended.  Universal praise has been received not only for content of the training but also for the quality of the Trainers.

The theory underpinning this training is the cornerstone on the cohealth approach to managing aggressive and/or challenging behaviour.  Independent research has been undertaken to assess staff understanding of cohealth’s approach to managing challenging behaviour and this research confirmed the session feedback, which was that the training has enhanced staff sense of safety in the workplace.


Bayside City Council – Tim Rivarolo  

In 2023 Bayside commenced utilising CRTC to provide training in de-escalation and conflict resolution for all customer facing staff. This training has offered practical solutions and valuable tools to better equip our people to better prevent, manage, and safety respond to incidents involving complex behaviours.

The feedback from our staff on the 1-day face to face training sessions with CRTC has been overwhelmingly positive, with many describing it as the most effective training they have experienced. Bayside have been particularly impressed with CRTCs strong knowledge of the challenging environments and interactions Council staff face, and how Eddie and the teams have set up scenario based training and role plays as the main focus of each training session.

Thanks for providing these massively valuable sessions to our employees!



ETC has engaged with CRTC across multiple years, and have not looked back. Our employees have benefited greatly from this realistic training. Actors coming in for role plays, sets the standard for the high quality training. The training provides our employees with all the tools and tricks to deal with conflict within a professional environment, as well as personally.

We could not be happier with CRTC.