Depending on which course, the duration can vary from a 1/2 day to a full day.
- Basic or Advanced Conflict Resolution: 1 Full Day being from 9am till 4.30pm –
- Refresher – 1/2 day- either 9am till 12pm OR 1pm till 4pm.
- Armed Robbery and Bomb Threats – 1/2 day- either 9am till 12pm OR 1pm till 4pm
A full breakdown of our courses can be found here.
- If your staff deal with the public- YES
- If sections of your customer base may be affected by Drugs/Alcohol/Mental Health issues- ABSOLUTELY
- In addition to the above- if your staff have to enforce compliance or legislative issues- STRONGLY RECCOMMENDED
Rarely does CRTC deliver standard courses. Each and every course delivered is specifically tailored to accommodate client’s needs.
Generally up to 16 participants for the ‘Basic’ or ‘Advanced’ course.
Armed Robbery and Bomb Threat- up to 20 participants
- The price remains constant for under 16 participants as our overheads remain the same regardless of whether there are 5, 10 or 16 participants
- Over 16 participants our overheads increase therefore extra participants are charged at a pro-rata rate.
- CRTC comes to your site for training
- Alternatively our clients sometimes hire a venue at heir own expense
For approximately 10 years our training program “Negotiation & Crisis Intervention” was Nationally Accredited. CRTC decided to stop the Accreditation for many reasons- the main ones being:
- It became too expensive
- Only allowed to present the listed accredited outcomes prevented customisation. Rarely does CRTC present standard courses. Each course is customised to accommodate client needs.
- An open mind
- A pen
Role Plays are highly recommended but NOT compulsory.
The two considerations or remote training are:
- Client pays for travel expenses
- In rare circumstances actors may not be able to be sourced; so training would be Theory only.
- If staff have never had any instruction on basic prevention and de-escalation techniques; we strongly recommend the ‘Basic’ course first. Also some of the Human Behaviour topics are fundamental to the’Advanced’ course.
- If staff have had basic instruction or you feel staff are experienced in basic techniques; then straight to the ‘Advanced’ course is fine